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Development & IT

Frontend, backend, web and app developer jobs.

We are the first Black-led BIPOC Global Money App, designed to empower Africans in the diaspora, with accessible financial solutions. Our app allows users to…
 We are a pioneering Black-led BIPOC Global Money App, designed to empower Africans in the diaspora with accessible financial solutions. Our app enables users to…

Marketing & Sales

Advertising, digital marketing and brand management jobs.

We are the first Black-led BIPOC Global Money App, designed to empower Africans in the diaspora, with accessible financial solutions. Our app allows users to…
 We are a pioneering Black-led BIPOC Global Money App, designed to empower Africans in the diaspora with accessible financial solutions. Our app enables users to…

Design & Creative

Graphic, digital, web, and product design jobs.

 We are a pioneering Black-led BIPOC Global Money App, designed to empower Africans in the diaspora with accessible financial solutions. Our app enables users to…
We are the first Black-led BIPOC Global Money App, designed to empower Africans in the diaspora, with accessible financial solutions. Our app allows users to…

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